The art of giving yourself permission to be wrong

Are you stuck on a decision due to the fear of being wrong? 

Holding back on a project until you get it exactly right?

How much faster could you act if you simply gave yourself permission to be wrong?

One of the unconscious thought patterns I’ve worked on the most with both myself and my clients, is the belief that all decisions have a right and a wrong. And, if we are wrong, it means something negative about us. That wrongness becomes our identity and pushes us into fight mode. We attach to our opinions, preaching to or prosecuting everyone who dares to state a different opinion that may differ. This also keeps us in a cycle of overconfidence by shutting our brains off from accepting new knowledge.

When you coach with me, one of the first things we do is determine your core values. This allows you to disconnect WHO you are from your opinions, ideas and practices. Instead, placing that identity in your values. As long as you are acting in line with your core values, it opens up space to be wrong about decisions in the past and how you will choose to translate your values in the future, without losing sight of your personal integrity or ability to be 100% whole and worthy. 

Being wrong can be the fast track to success and development and the only sure sign that we have actually learned something new. Otherwise, how would we know?

If you are wanting help unraveling your belief system and open yourself to being wrong so you can fail faster, let’s chat. Schedule your free consultation here

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