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I understand, you are at a decision point.
Do you stay in a role where you feel unfulfilled by your career or look somewhere else in hopes they will see something different in you?

For whatever reason, you don’t feel like you are thriving where you are at. It could be your manager, it could be the lack of upward mobility, one or more co-workers you are struggling with, or something else entirely.

The career path you used to see now feels ambiguous, unreachable. 

The constant battle with work is taking its toll and you just want to find a sense of peace. 

Instead, you simply feel…tired. 

Tired of fighting for a chance to do your job well. Tired of navigating office politics. Tired of feeling like the outsider or the only woman in a room. Tired of being passed over.

Just tired…

Leading from the middle of the organization presents unique challenges.
Being a woman leading from the middle of the organization presents even more unique challenges.

In fact, for every woman stepping into a director-level leadership role, two are quitting the workplace.


You want clarity and a sense of conviction that you are on the right track with your career.

You want to feel like you are in charge of your life, your experiences, and your schedule.

You want to walk into new and different situations and exude confidence. 

You want to feel that excited hum of energy, knowing that what you are doing is making a difference.

You want to feel successful and present in the moment.

You want to speak up and be heard.

You want to feel like someone has your back.

You are no longer alone. I've got you.

You’ve likely been to a number of trainings that teach you how to lead and yet, somehow it doesn’t seem sufficient for what you are experiencing.

That’s because few trainings will help you understand and navigate what happens in your brain when you go to implement what you’ve learned. 

And this is where we will work.

Through 1:1 coaching, you will be provided with a safe environment to explore the self talk that is constantly questioning your behavior, decisions and performance. Together, we will sift through what is real and what is simply a story that your brain has been feeding you for so long that it’s wedged its way into your belief system. I will help you discover areas where resistance is keeping you stuck. Finally, I will guide you in discovering what you want out of your career and who you want to be in the pursuit of that.

Want to learn more?

Click here to schedule a consultation today and get started on creating that peace and clarity you deserve.